March 9, 2025
Food Giveaway - We are low on the following foods, Canned tuna, canned corn, boxed
macaroni and cheese, toothpaste, deodorant, and Pasta Sauce. Our next Food giveaway will be
Thursday, March 27th, from 10:00 am until noon .We helped 13 families last month.
Samaritan Purse items for the month of March: small trucks, hot wheels, hair brushes, jump
ropes, yo yos, and whistles. See Kim Thompson or drop them off in the Foyer area of church.
Please help for this year by bringing in some of these items to help stock up. On March 18th, at
6:00 p.m. there will be a Craft Night for Samaritan Purse, in the Meeting & Choir Room. see
Kim Thompson for more information if you are interested or want to supply items that are
The next WMU Meeting will be Tuesday March 11th at 10:00 a.m. in the Meeting &
Choir Room. If interested in joining please come.
Next Brotherhood Breakfast will be on Sunday, March 27th in the Meeting
& Choir Room at 8:00 a.m. Deacon’s Meeting following and Communion that day.
We have a sign up sheet for a trip to Top O’ The River, on Saturday, March 15th
Please sign up if you would like to go.
Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday, April 12th at 2:00 p.m. at our Family Life
Center. More information later.
Palm Sunday Celebration will be Sunday, April 13th with a covered dish lunch
after services that day.
Easter Sunday will be on April 20th this year. Invite a friend to come to our church that
Our Revival will be Sunday, April 27th Pastor Anthony Puckett, Pastor of Harmony Baptist
will bring the message each night at 7:00 p.m. through Wednesday, April 30th.
Future Events:
Graduation for High School Seniors are: Nick Priest, Elena Smith, and Ainsley
Harper, will be on Sunday May 4th, during morning service.
Mother’s Day will be May 11th and Church Memorial Day
will be on Sunday, May 18th
Cleanup Day at the Church, Saturday April 5th, more information soon.
Volunteers needed