
October 6, 2024


We are having Prayer in the Sanctuary each and every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.  Please come and pray for our Country and the growth of our church.


Wanda Croy is welcoming today and Brenda Muse will welcome next Sunday.


Lottie Moon Offering beginning this year, will be collected in the month of

October to relieve people in the month of December for Christmas. The Wooden box up front will be used to put love offerings in.


The Appalachian Back Packs  are due to be brought back next Sunday, October 13thBe

sure to mark your names off the lists and will have a cart up front to drop bags on. Thank you

for your generosity.

Packing Party for Samaritan Shoeboxes will be Thursday, October 10th from 10:00  - 12:00 pm

Shoe boxes will be given out Today and next Sunday and will be due back on November  3rd.

Food Giveaway was this  past Thursday and we were able to help 10 families.  We need canned soups, crackers, jelly, peanut butter, canned fruit, oatmeal and grits. Watch expiration dates, we can’t give foods that are not in date.  Donations of Sweaters, coats and jackets to the  Food Pantry can be made until October 27th. Donations can be dropped of in a tote under foyer table.


WMU Meeting will be on Tuesday, October  8th in the Meeting & Choir

Room at 10:00 a.m.

Sunday, October 6th, and October 13th  Kim Thompson will begin giving out the

Samaritan Shoe boxes! Boxes can be carried home and filled at your convenience.


**Pastor Appreciation Day will be combined on Sunday, November 17th  in honor

of Pastor Mike  Harris and  Youth Pastor Len Kight, with  our church Thanksgiving

Meal  after morning services in the Family Life Center.  This will honor our Pastors

and Thanksgiving together.

The Fall Fest Senior Revival will be held here at Shady Grove Baptist Church on

Wednesday, October 16th from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 Noon. Lunch will be follow

ing in the FLC.  *Please RSVP on our sign up sheet* Hymn Sing with Rodney

Brooks former worship leader at 1st. Baptist in  Atlanta and guest Speaker will

be Rev. Bryan Alexander of Southern  Church Consulting. The Carrollton Baptist

Association will  furnish the food. Our Ladies will furnish Pound cakes and choco

late pound cakes, and store bought sweet and unsweet tea. Sign up sheets are

up front on table.

Our Fall Praise Festival and Between The Oaks will be joined together Saturday, 

October 26th. There sill be  Trunk or Treat, games, music, food and

more! See the small table up front to sign up to help!


Healing Hearts will meet at Ruby Tuesday’s on Tuesday, October 22nd at 11:30

a.m. for lunch.  The Youth/Children  Dept. are looking for individuals or group volunteers to be on

a rotation to bring food for the kids on Wednesday Nights.  If so please see Len Kight


Trip to Top O’ The River has been

Postponed until a future date.

See Sherry J. Wilson for information



September 29, 2024


We are having Prayer in the Sanctuary each and every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.  Please come and pray for our Country and the growth of our church.



Betty Norton is welcoming today and Joy Allen will welcome next Sunday.


We are having communion today.



The Appalachian Back Packs  are due to be brought back on Sunday,

October 13thBe sure to mark your names off the lists and will have a roll-

ing cart up front to drop bags on.  Thank you for your generosity.


Packing Party for Samaritan Shoeboxes will be announced later.


Food Giveaway was this  past Thursday and we were able to help 10 families.  We need canned soups, crackers, jelly, peanut butter, canned fruit, oatmeal and grits. Watch expiration dates, we can’t give foods that are not in date.


We will not have a Between The Oaks Event on Sunday, September 29th.  It will be combined with the Fall Festival on Saturday, October 26th. More details later.



Broadcast is Sunday, at 6:55 a.m. on 92.1 FM on WBTR

WMU Meeting will be on Tuesday, October  8th in the Meeting & Choir

Room at 10:00 a.m.

Sunday, October 6th, and October 13th  Kim Thompson will begin giving out the

Samaritan Shoe boxes! Boxes can be carried home and filled at your convenience.


**Pastor Appreciation Day will be combined on Sunday, November 17th  in honor

of Pastor Mike  Harris and  Youth Pastor Len Kight, with  our church Thanksgiving

Meal  after morning services in the Family Life Center.  This will honor Thanksgiv

ing and honor our Pastors.**

The Fall Fest Senior Revival will be held here at Shady Grove Baptist Church on

Wednesday, October 16th from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 Noon. Lunch will be follow-

ing in the FLC.  *Please RSVP on our sign up sheet* Hymn Sing with Rodney Brooks

 former worship leader at 1st. Baptist in  Atlanta and guest Speaker will be Rev.

Bryan Alexander of Southern  Church Consulting. Centralhatchee Baptist will fur-

nish the food. Our Ladies will furnish Pound cakes and chocolate pound cakes, and

 store bought sweet and unsweet tea. Sign up sheets are up front on foyer  table.


Our Fall Praise Festival and Between The Oaks will be joined together Saturday, 

October 26th. More information soon! Trunk or Treat, games, music, food and

more! See the small table up front to sign up to help!


Lottie Moon Offering beginning this year, will be collected in the month of

October to relieve people in the month of December for Christmas.


September 15, 2024


We will be having Prayer in the Sanctuary each and every

Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.  Please come and pray for our Country

and the growth of our church


Linda Burgess is welcoming today and Betty Norton will welcome next Sunday.



The Appalachian Back Packs  are down to 5 left.

Please see  Patricia Shinn to get one.  Due Back

on Sunday, October 9th. Remember this might be

the only gift a child will receive this year.


Packing Party for Samaritan Shoeboxes will be announced later.


Food Giveaway will be Thursday, September 26th  from 10:00 am until 12:00 p.m. We need Oatmeal, grits, pasta sauce, canned beans, Pasta, Spaghetti noodles, crackers, dried beans, canned soups and tuna


Homecoming will be next Sunday, The Servers will be here and we will have a covered Dish Lunch in the Family Life Center.  Please drop off your food before 11:00 a.m. Also please bring some drinks to donate and restock that day.


We will not have a Between The Oaks Event on Sunday, September 29th.  It will be combined with the Fall Festival on Saturday, October 26th. More details later.


Brotherhood breakfast will be Sunday, September 29th at 8:00 a.m. in the Meeting & Choir Room.  We will also have communion that day


Broadcast is Sunday, at 6:55 a.m. on 92.1 FM on WBTR


Steve  Forbus is in  charge  of  our cemetery, see him for any information

that you need.

Sunday, October 6th, Kim Thompson will begin giving out the Samaritan

Shoe boxes! Boxes can be carried home and filled at your convenience.


The Fall Fest Senior Revival will be held here at Shady Grove Baptist

Church on Wednesday, October 16th from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 Noon. 

Lunch will be following in the FLC.  *Please RSVP to CBA - 770-834-3451*

Hymn  Sing with Rodney Brooks former worship leader at 1st. Baptist in

Atlanta and guest Speaker will be Rev. Bryan Alexander of Southern

Church Consulting. Centralhatchee Baptist will furnish the food. Our La-

dies will furnish Pound cakes and chocolate pound cakes, and store

bought sweet and unsweet tea.  Sign up sheets are up front on foyer table.